
pigwig is a WSGI framework for python 3.6+:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import typing
from pigwig import PigWig, Response
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from pigwig import Request
    from pigwig.routes import RouteDefinition

def root(request: Request) -> Response:
    return Response('hello, world!')

def shout(request: Request, word: str) -> Response:
    return Response.json({'input': word, 'OUTPUT': word.upper()})

routes: RouteDefinition = [
    ('GET', '/', root),
    ('GET', '/shout/<word>', shout),

app = PigWig(routes)

if __name__ == '__main__':

pigwig has no hard dependencies, but

  1. if you want to use templating, you must either install jinja2 or provide your own template engine

  2. if you want to use PigWig.main() for development, the reloader requires a libc that supports inotify (linux 2.6.13 and glibc 2.4 or later) or the macfsevents package on OS X

  3. you will want a “real” WSGI server to deploy on such as eventlet or gunicorn

see blogwig for a more in-depth example and the readme for FACs

indices and tables